The programme of the 2012 Berlin Demography Forum comprised keynote speeches as well as panel discussions on selected topics. Many high-ranking decision-makers and thought leaders from politics, science, diplomacy, business, and civil socity came together in the ESMT European School of Management and Technology and gave lectures and joined our debates.
The agenda has been as followed:
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Keynote Speech „Demographic Change: Act Together Now and Build the Future“,
Michael Diekmann, Allianz SE CEO
Keynote Speech „Family Futures – A Demographically Orientated Societal Policies of
Equal Opportunities“, Dr. Kristina Schroeder, Federal Minister of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens,
Women and Youth
Panel „International Demographic Policies“ (Moderation: Judy Dempsey, Panelists: Prof.
Joshua Goldstein, Prof. Jutta Allmendinger, Timothy Ma Kam Wah, Dr. Monika Queisser, Prof.
Jean Marie-Robine)
Keynote Speech „Demography Politics in Germany“, Dr. Hans-Peter Friedrich, Federal
Minister of the Interior
Keynote Speech „Demographic Developments in the View of our Citizens“, Prof. Renate
Koecher, Director Allensbach Institute
Friday, 13 January 2012
Keynote Speech „The Demographic Change: Result and Cause of Changed Family
Structures“, Prof. Ursula Lehr, Head of German National Association of Senior Citizens‘
Panel „Business, Work, Families“ (Moderation: Prof. Ursula Lehr, Panelists: Annegret
Kramp-Karrenbauer, Prof. Tilman Mayer, Franz Müntefering, Prof. Joerg Rocholl)
Panel „Challenges to our Social Protection Systems“ (Moderation: Wolfgang Ischinger,
Panelists: Prof. Norbert Schneider, Prof. Bert Rürup)
Panel „Decision Points for a Family: Work, Time, Infrastructure, Integration“
(Moderation: Prof. Volker Perthes, Panelists: Sabine Baetzing-Lichtenthaeler, Sybille Laurischk,
Prof. Ursula Staudinger, Prof. Andreas Suchanek)